Go Rangers! Go Beef!

Hi Nolan Ryan Fans!

This is Charlie Bradbury, CEO of Nolan Ryan's All-Natural Beef. We are thrilled with the success of Nolan and the entire Texas Rangers organization! I've known Nolan for 30 years, and I have to say, I haven't seen him this excited since he bought his first cattle ranch!

The Rangers success is a testament to the standard of excellence that Nolan sets for himself and his organization. It's the same standard that's applied to the hand-selected steaks and all the beef that bears Nolan's name. As a rancher, he really knows how to produce quailty beef and the selection process that creates a great steak-eating experience.

We're glad so many consumers are pleased with the beef products we sell. We're always excited when we hear from consumers about how much they love steaks from Nolan Ryan's All-Natural Beef. Just so you know, when a consumer contacts us through our website, those emails come to me. In fact people are often surprised when they get a response from the CEO. So if you have a question about Nolan's other passion, beef, just let us know by email or on Facebook.

So when I'm watching the game tonight, I'll be eating the "Official Beef of the Texas Rangers" from Nolan Ryan's All-Natural Beef. Our team will be cheering on the Rangers and Nolan tonight and throughout the series! Hope you will too!

Go Rangers!

Charlie Bradbury