The Value of Beef

President Reagan in his last Oval Office address said that the first lesson about America is that all great change occurs at the dinner table. He was talking about family values, their importance to our lives and how parents can instill them in the generations to come.

At Nolan Ryan Beef, we have to agree with that statement. There is no doubt that, from a family perspective, the evening meal is the most important meal of the day. That’s where all the lessons about values come into play for the average family.

Take the mother who puts that food on the table. Despite all the pressures of the day, she still goes grocery shopping as the lead person who decides what her children eat and the value she gets for the dollars she spends. She also seeks the intangible values that come from sharing a safe, healthy, properly nutritious, great-tasting meal just as much as she studies the economic value.

The end result of all her care is creation of a bond between parents and children that inspires appreciation of family values. That process surrounding the dinner table can only be a good thing.